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Operating for over a decade, Odin are industry experts in the design, development and implementation of test automation products and solutions to clients in the US, Africa, Australia, Europe and India.

With a worldwide network of distribution and support partners including independent marketing representatives, implementation experts, technology and strategic partners Odin deliver unrivalled product, consultancy and application support across all industry sectors, locations and size, with scalable, cost effective test automation.

As industry recognised experts in the design, development and implementation of automated software testing products and solutions, the founders of Odin were frustrated by the fact that although Test automation should have been a critical component in the creation and successful delivery, implementation and maintenance of any new product or service – the reality was somewhat different.

Mainly as a consequence of poor functionality, product complexity and mounting operating costs from traditional commercially available tools, test automation had never fulfilled its true potential.

In order to resolve this structural issue and in order to enable Test Automation to “Deliver On The Promise” the founders of Odin created the Axe platform, by providing test automation in the language of business, tests are faster, cheaper and less resource intensive to construct, with the benefits of integration with common ALM toolsets.

Our Clients

We establish long-term partnerships with our clients, ranging from small and medium size enterprises to some of the world’s biggest and most prominent employers operating today. These include major government departments, private sector companies, and financial institutions.


Corporate and Social Responsibility

In common with companies of all sizes and sectors, we take an active role in Corporate and Social Responsibility.

Our goal is to encourage a positive impact through corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, and sustainable responsible business.

On the social responsibility side, we have a nominated charity, the “Turner Syndrome Support Society”.

Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosome abnormality affecting only females, caused by the complete or partial deletion of the X chromosome. The incidence of TS is approximately 1:2000 live female births. The charity is of personal interest to Duncan

Brigginshaw, Director of Odin, whose daughter was born with Turners Syndrome. He is a committee member for the charity and takes an active part in activities and fundraising. Their aim is to raise awareness and provide correct guidance for those affected by the condition, seeking professional advice, and bring practical support on the implications of living daily with TS.

Odin provides sponsorship of the TSSS Annual conference and financial assistance to the charity for events.

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